Требуется: Senior Environmental Engineer в Павлодар, Вахта (28/28)


  • Higher professional education and min 4 year work experience as an Environmental Engineer.
  • Good communication skills – able to communicate with people of different backgrounds. Ability to deal effectively and patiently with people of different backgrounds.
  • Ensure compliance with current environmental laws, directions, standards and regulations by company’s subdivisions, and enable reduction of the impact of hazardous industrial factors to the people’s life and health;
  • Develop, maintain and comply with future and current environmental protection plans;
  • Participate in the expert review of feasibility studies, current operations expansion and refurbishment projects, new technologies and equipment creation, and establish procedures for new machinery introduction;
  • Participate in the research or test work on industrial waste water treatment, environment and air pollution prevention, process waste reduction or complete disposal, rational use of soil and water resources;
  • Control process conditions compliance at environmental facilities, and analyze their performance; maintain environmental protection rules compliance; monitor environmental status at the operations area;

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